Applying for Financial Aid
Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually each year. Financial Aid is determined by the information provided on the FAFSA. If students are selected for verification, they will receive an email asking them to make corrections online to their FAFSA or provide verification documents. AAMI cannot award aid until all the requested corrections are completed or all documentation has been verified. See Verification Process section for more details.
To complete the FAFSA, students will need the following documents:
- Student’s Federal Income Tax Return
- Parent’s Federal Income Tax Return (dependent students only)
- Student’s W2s
- Parent’s W2s (dependent students only)
- Parent’s social security number, birth date, marital status and date of marriage (dependent students only)
- Amounts of any additional income received in an entire year, such as child support, social security, welfare benefits, etc.
Students submitting FAFSAs to AAMI will receive two separate replies after submitting this application.
- From the U.S. Department of Education, the students will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR).
- From AAMI, students will receive an email to their personal email account explaining the next steps.
Please keep in mind that the complete financial aid process may require additional paperwork and/or actions by the student to offer the best financial aid package possible. Additional reminders may be sent from AAMI to obtain required documentation to complete Verification.
Students should submit their financial aid application as early as possible. Students who are utilizing financial aid to pay for their tuition must submit the proper applications no later than 3 weeks prior to the start date of the semester in which they are enrolling.
The deadline for financial aid for a semester that has already expired is June 30 of the school year in question.