Appeal Decisions and Conditions of Approval
SAP Appeals are generally reviewed by the Academic Committee in the order in which they are received. The decision is communicated to the student by email within three to five business days of receipt.
Approved Appeals/Probationary Status
Students who successfully appeal are reinstated federal aid eligibility through a probationary SAP status and assigned an academic plan. The academic plan provides the GPA and/or completion rate requirements for each semester to maintain federal aid eligibility. Meeting the academic plan each semester will correct the student’s cumulative GPA and completion rate and return their SAP status to eligible by graduation. Students remain on probationary status for the length of their academic plan. Failure to meet academic plan requirements returns the student to SAP suspension and ineligible for federal aid. Students suspended for Maximum Time Frame only and successfully appeal, are on SAP probation for the remainder of their program and allowed only enough hours to complete their program.